Nationals Performance Events
Instructions to register:
Click on registration button below your event, fill in the form, and save it to your computer. Once saved on your computer, email the saved document to the email listed on the form.
Be sure to come back to this page to pay for your registration, by clicking on the PayPal button below your event. The PayPal receipt will serve as your proof of payment.

Includes an intro to nosework, demos by trained Bull Terriers, and several sessions of introducing your dog to this simple and fun sport.
After emailing registration, please
PayPal link below to pay.

After emailing registration, please
PayPal link below to pay.
CGC and CGCA tests evaluator:
Donna Bryant, BTCA
For test details, go to AKC.org for info on CGC and About Community Canine

After emailing registration, please
PayPal link below to pay.